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Sunday, 17 November 2013

Kaspersky Internet Security 2014

Internet security software — to protect your PC, your data, and your identity

Along with the benefits of online shopping, banking and social networking, the growth in web-based activities has brought a corresponding growth in the viruses and complex Internet threats that can compromise the security of your PC and your valuable, personal information.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 combines a vast array of easy-to-use, rigorous web security technologies that protect you against all types of malware and Internet-based threats — including cybercriminals that try to steal your money or your identity. Kaspersky Lab brings you hassle-free security that has minimal impact on your computer’s performance. Your PC and all the precious files and data stored on it are kept safe by:

  • Anti-Malware Protection — for real-time defences against computer viruses and Internet threats
  • Internet Protection — to secure your data and your money when you’re banking, shopping or surfing online
  • Identity Protection — via Kaspersky’s Virtual Keyboard and Secure Keyboard technologies
  • Anti-Phishing Protection — to prevent cybercriminals from collecting your personal information
  • Advanced Parental Control — that helps keep children safe when they’re online

Download Kaspersky Internet Security 2014

Semoga bermanfaat.


  1. cara installasinya gimana mas, ko aku masukan keyx dengan koneksi internet gagal terus, apalagi klu offline systemx minta online

  2. Cara memasukan license key untuk aktivasi kaspersky internet security 2012/ 2013:
    Matikan koneksi internet anda kemudian buka KIS 2012/ 2013, jika sebelumnya lisence key milik anda kena blacklist maka hapus terlebih dahulu keynya setelah itu pilih INSERT KEY.
    Pada saat insert key masukan kode " 22222-22222-22222-2222U " , lalu klik NEXT, maka akan terlihat seperti gagal memasukan key, namun tidak masalah karena tujuan utama kita adalah aktivasi secara offline, setelah itu masukan key yang sudah anda download dengan klik BROWSE dan pilih license key dengan masa aktif 1 tahun, 90 hari atau 30 hari, semua terserah pada anda.
    Terakhir klik NEXT dan jika muncul notifikasi SUCCESFULLY, itu tandanya key terbaru sudah berhasil di perbaharui dan kaspersky milik anda sudah siap untuk di update kembali.

  3. Mastah kok gak ada brows or next nya gimana nih mastah ???

  4. udah di update ta mas bayu key kis 2014nya?

  5. 2014 kagak ada browse nya min

  6. Min... Serial Keynya dah maksimum semua tuch dipakainya....
    ada yang masih jalan gak Min...>?


  7. judulnya kis 2014 kok yang dibahas malah 2013
    gimana sih gan


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