“Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.”

Masukkan Kata Kunci Pencarian Anda Disini

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Cara Aktivasi Windows 8.1 Pro WMC

Windows 8.1 telah release resmi ke publik! Dan mungkin diantara sobat blogger ada yang sudah memakainya tapi masih bingung dengan cara aktivasi windows 8.1? Windows 8.1 sebenarnya bisa diaktivasi dengan SN melalui internet / Phone skype. Tetapi sejak 25 Oktober 2013 Microsoft telah memblokir aktivasi via Skype untuk Windows 8.1 dengan KEY MAK yang limit = 0. Satu satunya cara adalah menggunakan SN Retail. Karena masalah ini admin menerima banjir SMS bagaiman solusi aktivasi terbaik untuk Windows 8.1. Setelah melakukan beberapa kali Test dan akhirnya berhasil untuk Windows 8.1 Pro WMC aktivasi secara Permanent Genuine via Phone / Skype.

Tutorial ini dibuat bagi Anda yang memiliki SN Pro WMC Valid yang dulu pernah di dapat saat  Windows 8 baru muncul, tetapi tidak bisa menggunakanya di karenakan Microsoft memblokir “add features WMC” jika Windows Pro belum di aktifkan. Nah disini Admin mencoba share bagaimana cara bypass agar Anda yang memiliki SN Pro WMC Valid bisa menggunakanya tanpa harus aktivasi Windows Pro.

Bagi Anda yang memiliki SN Pro Valid sebaiknya tidak usah mengikuti tutorial ini, karena bisa langsung aktivasi phone skype.

Download KEY Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1 dan Office 2013 UPDATE
Persiapan awal,

1. Pastikan Anda sudah menginstall Windows 8.1 1

2. Jika Anda pernah aktivasi dengan KMS (180 hari) ganti KEY dulu di slui 3 dengan KEY ini dari Microsoft 

Please buy Genuine Serial Number from Microsoft (Stop Piracy) 

3. Jika Windows Anda masih versi Windows 8.1 Core / Pro maka, “add Features menjadi Pro WMC” terlebih dahulu Tanpa Harus Aktivasi Windows 8.1 Pro, dengan KEY dibawah ini :
Key ini Hanya untuk add Features, dan Bukan untuk Aktivasi (pilih salah satu saja)

Please buy Genuine Serial Number from Microsoft (Stop Piracy) 

Jika masih bingung bagaimana cara add features WMC ada DISINI.

Note : 
Jika saat add Pro WMC terjadi error dan tidak restart otomatis, maka di restart manual saja.
Jika sudah terlanjur add Pro WMC dengan SN yang bukan di atas, maka replace dulu folder SPP

Replace folder SPP di C:\Windows\System32\spp
Download SPP


5. Sekarang masuk ke SLUI 3 ganti dengan SN / KEY Pro WMC Anda yang valid.

6. Masukkan SN / KEY, jika ada error biarkan saja

 Contoh Admin dengan SN : XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-V49WD

Jika Anda tidak memiliki SN, Anda bisa membeli ke Microsoft via Reseller terdekat di kota Anda.

Please buy Genuine Serial Number from Microsoft (Stop Piracy) 

Contoh Testing KEY WMC Free : , jika Anda sudah berhasil mengganti berarti Anda sudah bisa Aktivasi Permanent via Phone / skype.

6. Pastikan Anda success mengganti SN / KEY. Pastikan 5 DIGIT KEY terakhir sama dengan KEY yang Anda Masukkan tadi.
Untuk mengeceknya silakan masuk ke CMD as Administrator ketik slmgr /dlv, lalu Enter

7. Sekarang, masuk ke PC Info, Klik Activate Windows, atau Anda bisa langsung ke SLUI 4

8. Aktivasi Windows by Phone

8. Telpn menggunakan Phone /skype

10. Masukkan ID konfirmasi dari Microsoft

11. Selesai

12. Selamat, Anda telah berhasil menyelesaikan Aktivasi Produk Microsoft

13. Demikian Tips & Trik aktivasi secara Permanent dari Anak Rantau

SmileRolling on the floor laughing

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Cara Aktivasi Windows 8.1 dengan KMS Online

Windows 8.1 telah release resmi ke publik! Dan mungkin diantara sobat blogger ada yang sudah memakainya tapi masih bingung dengan cara aktivasi windows 8.1? Windows 8.1 sebanarnya bisa diaktivasi dengan SN melalui internet / Phone skype. Tetapi sejak 25 Oktober 2013 Microsoft telah memblokir aktivasi via Skype untuk Windows 8.1 dengan KEY MAK yang limit = 0. Karena masalah ini admin menerima banjir SMS bagaiman solusi aktivasi terbaik untuk Windows 8.1?

Berikut Tabel Windows 8, 8.1 & Server yang bisa di aktifkan dengan KMS

Operating system edition

KMS Client Setup KEY

Windows 8.1 Professional


Windows 8.1 Professional N


Windows 8.1 Enterprise


Windows 8.1 Enterprise N


Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Standard


Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter


Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials


Operating system edition

KMS Client Setup KEY

Windows 8 Professional


Windows 8 Professional N


Windows 8 Enterprise


Windows 8 Enterprise N


Windows Server 2012


Windows Server 2012 N


Windows Server 2012 Single Language


Windows Server 2012 Country Specific


Windows Server 2012 Server Standard


Windows Server 2012 MultiPoint Standard


Windows Server 2012 MultiPoint Premium


Windows Server 2012 Datacenter


Admin TEST menggunakan Windows 8.1 Pro Volume License

Persiapan awal, PC Anda harus terkoneksi Internet

Pertama, pastikan dulu tanggal dan waktu telah diatur dengan benar, untuk zona waktunya pun jangan sampai keliru, zona waktu indonesia adalah GMT+7 atau UTC+7.

KMS Windows 8.1



Pastikan Syncronize successfully


Buka Command Prompt (Admin)


Ketik perintah slmgr /skms kms server

Contoh : slmgr /skms yourdomin.com

Sekarang masuk ke PC Setting, PC Info


Windows is not activated, klik Activate Windows


Klik Enter key, (Masukan KEY dari daftar tabel di atas, sesuai Versi Windows Anda)


Windows akan teraktivasi secara Otomatis



Sekarang masuk ke PC Setting, PC Info

Windows sudah teraktivasi secara legal


Aktivasi dengan cara ini hanya berlaku selama 180 hari

Aktivasi dengan cara ini legal dan Genuine / Asli Microsoft

Setelah masa aktif habis (melewati 180 hari) aktivasi bisa dilakukan lagi dengan mengulagi langkah-langkah di atas.

Jika Anda gagal, mungkin KMS sedang Offline, coba KMS Server yang lain

Semoga bermanfaat Smile

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Download Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2013

Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2013 | 2.79 GB

Visual Studio Premium 2013 is an integrated development environment that includes advanced tools that development teams can use to plan, develop, test, and operate applications.

Whether you are writing code, planning, testing, debugging, or managing applications, you can use the powerful tools in Visual Studio Premium 2013 to increase productivity and enable seamless collaboration in your development team to continuously deliver high-quality applications across devices or the cloud.

Supported operating systems

Windows 7 SP1 (x86 and x64)

Windows 8 (x86 and x64)

Windows 8.1 (x86 and x64)

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (x64)

Windows Server 2012 (x64)

Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64)

Cara Install

Extract dengan winRar/winZip/7-zip & Burn/Mount

Install gunakan KEY ini 

Please buy Genuine Serial Number from Microsoft (Stop Piracy) 


Download via Hugefiles

VS.Pre.2013.part1.rar - 999.0 MB

VS.Pre.2013.part2.rar - 999.0 MB

VS.Pre.2013.part3.rar - 867.2 MB

Download via Putlocker

VS.Pre.2013.part1.rar - 999.0 MB 99

VS.Pre.2013.part2.rar - 999.0 MB

VS.Pre.2013.part3.rar - 867.2 MB

Good Luck

Friday, 25 October 2013

Download Windows 8.1 ISO dengan Product Key

Jika Anda membeli Sn/KEY Windows 8.1 atau Windows 8, Anda dapat men-download dan menginstal Windows dari halaman ini. Anda akan memiliki pilihan untuk menginstal Windows sekarang, nanti, atau menggunakan media dengan file ISO.
Sebelum anda memulai:
· Pastikan Anda benar-benar ingin mengupgrade PC. Jika Anda meng-update ke Windows 8.1, PC ini harus mengunakan Windows 7 atau Windows 8.1 Preview. Jika Anda sudah menggunakan Windows 8, Anda dapat memperbarui/Upgrade ke Windows 8.1 di Windows Store secara gratis.
Jika Anda upgrade ke Windows 8, PC ini harus menjalankan Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP dengan Service Pack 3 (SP3), Windows 8 Release Preview, Windows 8 Consumer Preview, atau Windows Developer Preview.
Windows Setup akan memeriksa bahwa PC Anda harus memenuhi semua persyaratan sistem sebelum instal Windows 8.1 atau Windows 8
· SN/KEY yang digunakan. Anda dapat menemukannya di Info pesanan online/Email Anda, dalam email konfirmasi untuk pembelian Anda, atau pada kemasannya. Kunci produk akan terlihat seperti ini: XXXXX- XXXXX- XXXXX- XXXXX- XXXXX.

· Buat backup terlebih dulu. Simpan di suatu tempat Anda bisa mendapatkan itu nanti, seperti drive eksternal atau DVD.

· Jangan memformat hard drive Anda sebelum menginstal Windows. Versi Windows Anda harus menjalankan ketika Anda mulai menginstal Windows 8.1 atau Windows 8.
Bila Anda siap, tekan atau klik Install Windows 8.1 atau Instal Windows 8:

Install Windows 8.1

Install Windows 8

Setelah di download tinggal di jalankan, Masukkan SN Windows 8 jika Anda Upgrade ke Windows 8 atau SN Windows 8.1 jika Anda Upgrade ke Windows 8.1

Masukkan SN Windows
  • Please buy Genuine Serial Number from Microsoft (Stop Piracy)

Microsoft akan memeriksa apakah SN yang digunakan masih valid atau sudah diblokir.
Berikut tampilan jika SN sudah DIBLOKIR
Berikut tampilan jika SN masih VALID

Jika Anda ingin mendownload Windows 8.1, tetapi SN yang dimiliki adalah SN Windows 8, maka Anda harus menjalankan Setup Windows 8 dan ketika mulai mendownload Anda klik "PAUSE" lalu jalankan Setup Windows 8.1, dan tidak meminta SN Windows 8.1

Setelah download selesai, akan ada pemberitahuan popup "getting files ready" (uncompressing installer) dan kemudian akan muncuk Instal Windows 8.1 wizard.
Install now untuk menginstall langsung, atau
Install by Creating media untuk membuat bootable / ISO

Pilih media Installasi kemudian klik Next. (Pilih ISO jika Anda menghendaki File ISO)

Semoga Bermanfaat

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Download ACDSee Pro 7.0 Build 137 x86 / x64

ACDSee Pro 7.0 Build 137 x86
ACDSee Pro 7 has everything you need to manage, perfect, and present your images. Carry out digital asset management and all the essential tasks of your photography workflow in one complete, amazingly fast solution. Achieve stunning results, stay organized, save time. ACDSee Pro 7 delivers total photography control.

Digital asset managementOrganize any way you want. Add metadata, ratings, keywords, categories, and location details to your images. Quickly identify photos for further processing with visual tags and color labels. Make use of powerful search tools to find photos based on almost any criteria. With ACDSee Pro 7, even the wildest of libraries can be tamed.
Non-destructive freedom
Get set for worry-free, go-for-it creativity. ACDSee Pro 7’s non-destructive environment means your original images always stay intact. Preview your changes instantly, hide, reveal or switch up adjustments, and save different versions of your photos.
RAW processing
See incredibly true-to-life color representation and contrast. Get the correct white balance and exposure, and fine tune tonal distribution. Boost vibrance while protecting skin tones, and adjust saturation, brightness and hue on a color-by-color basis. Avoid color clipping during RAW conversion by leveraging your image's histogram.
Super fast viewing
Count on ACDSee Pro 7 to display your photos, including the largest of RAW files, exactly the way you want, fast. View your images in real time, from their original locations, since you never have to import them into a separate library first.
Patented lighting technology
Improve areas that are too light or too dark with the Lighting tool, powered by ACDSee’s patented LCE (Lighting and Contrast Enhancement) technology. Instantly lighten shadows and reduce highlights, change the tonal range and color balance, and experiment with single-exposure HDR effects.
Brush on selective edits
Brush on any editing effect or adjustment to a targeted area of your photo, complete with size and feathering controls to get the exact look you want. Tune your images, sharpen, reduce noise, erase unwanted objects, and more.
Powerful batch processing
Save an incredible amount of time. Set ACDSee Pro 7 to perform a range of workflow steps on batches of images at once. Convert formats and color space, resize, change filenames, add watermarks, and easily save them as presets to work even faster the next go around.
Advanced color control
Take full control of your images with Advanced Color tools to subtly fine-tune or dramatically change hue, saturation, and lightness. And a dedicated black and white mode allows you to make hue-based brightness adjustments to your monochrome images, and to add a specific hue back in.
Present and protect
Whether you share socially, present online, or email directly to clients, showcasing your photos has never been this effortless. And you can count on ACDSee to help you protect all your valuable work, both offline and in the cloud.
OS       : Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 3, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7 or Windows® 8
Language : English



Download Adobe Premiere Pro CC 7.0.1 Build 105

  Adobe Premiere Pro CC 7.0.1 Build 105

The new update of Adobe Premiere Pro CC, one of the most excellent video editing softwares out there!
Edit video faster than ever before with the powerful, more connected Adobe Premiere® Pro CC. Dozens of brand-new features include a redesigned timeline, improved media management, and streamlined color grading. And it's just the beginning — you'll get access to new features the moment they're released. Your entire creative world, together in one place.

Languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian and Japanese.

Switch to Adobe Premiere Pro
Thinking about switching to Adobe Premiere Pro CC? Explore assets and resources that will help make the transition easier when you're ready to switch.
Part of Creative CloudWith Adobe Premiere Pro CC — part of Creative Cloud — your creative process becomes seamless, intuitive, and more connected. Get it as a single-app subscription or with a Creative Cloud complete membership, which also includes every other Adobe creative tool.
NEW A more connected Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe® Premiere® Pro CC is part of Creative Cloud™. That means you have access to all the latest updates and future releases the moment they're available. You can use Sync Settings to keep your settings, workspaces, and keyboard shortcuts organized across multiple computers. Sharpen your skills and master new tools with a rich and growing library of training videos. And Creative Cloud is integrated with Behance®, so you can share your projects and get immediate feedback from creatives around the world. Learn more ›

NEW Editing finesse
Edit more efficiently with a redesigned Timeline, intuitive track targeting, and dozens of new shortcuts. See critical information such as duplicate frames and through edits. With Paste Attributes, you can copy and paste the specific effects you need from one clip to another.

NEW Link & Locate
Modern productions are built on hundreds (if not thousands) of clips. It's easy to lose track of files and backups saved on multiple drives. Link & Locate helps you track down your clips quickly, making media management — and your productions — more efficient.

NEW Lumetri Deep Color Engine
Quickly apply rich, beautiful, preset color grades in Adobe Premiere Pro thanks to the Lumetri™ Deep Color Engine. With the Looks Browser, preview and add looks from Adobe SpeedGrade™ as easily as adding a dissolve. Also import LUTs from other systems

NEW Adobe Anywhere integration
Adobe Premiere Pro integrates with Adobe Anywhere* for video. Team members work with files on a shared server without downloading. Avoid versioning problems. Make and review edits from any location. Assemble the best team — with no geographic limits.

NEW Mezzanine codecs, native formats
Industry-standard mezzanine codecs are built in. Edit cross-platform with Apple ProRes (encode on Mac OS 10.8 only). Get cross-platform support for MXF-wrapped Avid DNxHD files. Natively edit even more formats thanks to new support for Sony XAVC and Panasonic AVC-Intra 200.

NEW Closed captioning
Brand-new capabilities for importing and manipulating closed captions have been designed with editors in mind. Intuitively import, view, edit, adjust positioning and layout, and export media with closed captions — either embedded or as separate files. Mercury Playback Engine
Mercury Playback Engine
NEW Mercury Playback Engine
Now, more editors get real-time performance when working on complex sequences, thanks to support for a wider range of GPUs. Get enhanced, cross-platform support for OpenCL and CUDA. Render less often, work faster with third-party effects, and face deadlines with more confidence. High-fidelity interchange

NEW High-fidelity interchange
Get greater accuracy and a smoother workflow when importing or exporting Avid or Final Cut Pro projects. AAF import is more accurate, with improved support for DNxHD media. And, you can choose just the sequences you want when exporting to XML or AAF.

NEW Sync Settings
Now you can walk into any edit bay in the world, sync your settings with Creative Cloud, and all your customized settings — including workspaces and keyboard shortcuts — will be exactly where you want them.

NEW Improved multicam editing
Working with multiple video angles just got easier. Set up multicam edits faster with a streamlined workflow. Sync single shots or entire bins of footage all at once using audio waveforms. You can even mix frame rates and codecs in the same sequence.

NEW Adobe Story panel
Adobe Story Plus — included with Creative Cloud membership — is a robust scriptwriting tool. Import scripts and the associated metadata with the new Story panel in Adobe Premiere Pro. Quickly navigate to specific scenes, locations, dialogue, and characters as you edit.

NEW Project browsing
Spend less time searching and more time editing. Find and ingest content faster with the improved Media Browser. Browse existing projects to find the specific sequences and media you need and import them into your current project.

NEW Multiple GPU export support
Adobe Premiere Pro can now take full advantage of computers with multiple GPU cards for significantly accelerated export times. Rendering and compression just got a whole lot faster.

NEW Adobe Exchange panel
Give your editing system a boost with the latest plug-ins and extensions. The Adobe Exchange panel is a convenient way to browse, install, and find support for free and paid add-ons.

Real-time performance
Edit faster. Take advantage of real-time performance to edit, trim, or adjust effects — even do three-way color correction — without interrupting playback.

Timesaving editing features
With increasingly demanding deadlines, you'll appreciate streamlined tools that help you stay ahead of the clock: advanced trimming tools, HoverScrub, the Find Gaps command, the ability to navigate the Timeline panel with gestural trackpad controls, and more.

World-class effects
Achieve your vision using an effects toolset that's built on more than 20 years of imaging experience. Quickly fix color, stabilize shaky footage, and create adjustment layers to enhance your footage. Clean up noise, change speed with time remapping, and more.

Project and media management
Keep your projects running smoothly with task-based workspaces that let you focus on the job at hand. Quickly find media with HoverScrub and RapidFind search results. And get immediate updates when you replace, relink, or modify a clip.

Unparalleled Adobe integration
Go from script to screen using a tightly integrated workflow. Move assets through the production process with ease — even eliminate intermediate rendering with Adobe Dynamic Link. With Creative Cloud, you have every Adobe creative tool, always with the latest features.

NEW Broad format support

Get true native support for a wide range of source formats with no need for transcoding or rewrapping. Import files fast and get immediate, render-free playback. For tape-based workflows, the new Edit-to-Tape panel allows for easier layback (third-party hardware required).

End-to-end metadata workflow
Use metadata that travels throughout your workflow for smarter editing and streamlined post-production. Import metadata-infused Adobe Story scripts and sync them to footage. Jump-start your edits by importing rough cuts with associated metadata from Adobe Prelude™.

NEW Enhanced monitoring
See the details you need right in the Source and Program Monitor panels. Switch between video and audio waveforms with one click. See improved title and action safe guides. Plus, the whole app is updated with HiDPI support for enhanced viewing on the newest monitors. (Mac OS only)

Greater audience reach
Reach more audiences with files optimized for tablets, web, smartphones, and TV. From capture to delivery, metadata makes assets manageable. Create engaging experiences, and use embedded markers to make online content easier for audiences to discover with search engines.
File size : 1.01 GB
Download Adobe Premiere Pro CC 7.0.1
Download Download Update 7.0.1 Update 148 MB

Please buy Genuine Serial Number from Adobe (Stop Piracy) 

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Download MYOB AccountRight Premier v19

MYOB AccountRight Premier v19

MYOB AccountRight Premier v19
MYOB AccountRight Premier v19 is a very helpful application of the accounting that are popular today. upon the version is certainly superior to the tools and new features compared to previous versions. MYOB AccountRight Premier V19 focuses on corporate and commercial services in addition to other types of companies that can also applied. With a simplified user friendly so for even for beginners will be very easy to understand, and it also has the ability to export data to excel program.

Features :

Get started fast

Be up and running in minutes with the Easy Setup Assistant.
Start recording transactions without knowledge of accounting concepts and principles. Quickly learn how to process transactions or tasks with the in-built step-by-step guide.

Multi-user access

Get simultaneous access to accounts for up to three users on a network.

Operate in foreign currencies

Record transactions in multiple currencies to simplify import/export processes. Track exchange rate gains and losses.

Manage employee payroll

Easily process weekly, fortnightly or monthly pay runs and email pay slips to staff. Import timesheets to produce a pay run and preview employee pays before processing.

Quickly generate reports on PAYG withholdings, superannuation, leave
deductions, allowances and bonuses.

Bill by time

Track the details of each job, including non-hourly services and expenses. Know exactly how profitable each job is and every task performed and MUCH MORE!

Filesize 332 MB

Download MYOB AccountRight Premier v19

Link Download : Google DrivePCloud

Pass : yuwono-share

  • Please buy Genuine Serial Number from Myob (Stop Piracy) 

O&O DiskRecovery 8.0.535

O&O DiskRecovery 8.0.535 (x86/x64) | 15.7/17.6 MB
O&O DiskRecovery adalah software untuk menyelamatkan dan merekonstruksi data yang dihapus atau hilang! Software ini sangat mudah digunakan. O & O DiskRecovery mendukung semua format file yang populer dan mampu melakukan scan setiap sektor dari hard disk, kartu memori atau digital kamera untuk file yang hilang. O & O DiskRecovery juga dapat menemukan dan memulihkan data dalam situasi yang paling ekstrim, seperti dengan sudah diformat atau menghancurkan file sistem.

Important Features at a Glance
- Unlimited number of files can be recovered
- Three integrated scanning methods:
- Quick search for files, even on very large disks (O&O UnErase)
- Sector-based deep scan (O&O DiskRecovery)
- Scan formatted or structurally damaged partitions (O&O FormatRecovery)
- Clearly laid-out wizard for scanning and recovery
- Easy integration of data images
- Program start from removable drives possible (Instant installation)
- Supports over 350 file types (ca. 300 various file extensions, all
standard applications)
- Preview of files prior to recovery
- Supports all Windows-compatible hard disks, removable drives, memory
cards, USB Sticks, CompactFlash, and most digital cameras
- Deep scan to search out files on destroyed partitions and disks
- User-defined signatures can be added

OS : Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 (32-bit, 64-bit)
Language : English, Russian

Home Page - http://www.oo-software.com
Download For 32 bit

Download For 64 bit


Windows 8.1 Resmi Meluncur di Indonesia

Microsoft Indonesia hari ini secara resmi mengumumkan kehadiran Windows 8.1 di pasaran tanah air, bersamaan dengan jadwal rilis internasional pada Jumat (18/10/2013). Sistem operasi terbaru Microsoft ini meluncur sekitar 1 tahun setelah kemunculan Windows 8 Oktober tahun lalu.

Sistem operasi teranyar dari Microsoft ini sudah bisa diunduh melalui situs resmi Microsoft mulai 17 Oktober kemarin. Update Windows 8.1 tersedia gratis untuk pengguna Windows 8 dan bisa diunduh dari toko aplikasi Windows Store.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Cara Upgrade Windows 7, 8 ke 8.1 Melalui Windows Store

Sistem operasi terbaru dari Microsoft, Windows 8.1, sudah bisa diunduh sejak 18 Oktober 2013. Microsoft membawa beberapa fitur baru dan memperbaiki masalah yang sebelumnya ada di Windows 8.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Cara Backup dan Restore Aktivasi Windows 8.1 RTM

Disini Admin mencoba membuat tutorial cara Backup dan Restore Aktivasi Windows 8.1 Anda tidak perlu bergantung pada software (Advanced Token Manager) ketika Anda perlu menginstal ulang salinan Windows Anda baik terkena virus atau yang lainya, Anda dapat dengan mudah melakukannya sendiri. Alasan lainnya adalah Windows 8.1 RTM masih sangat baru yang pastinya masih rawan bug, dan Microsoft belum mengeluarkan updatetanya baik Scurity maupun Hotfix.
Poin penting yang harus Anda ketahui sebelum menginstal ulang Windows 8.1 : 
1. Aktivasi terikat pada perangkat keras tertentu (Hardware) dan edisi OS , Jadi INGAT ini.
2. Solusinya akan mungkin 100 % GAGAL jika Anda membuat perubahan pada perangkat keras (mengganti salah satu hardware) dan menginstal ulang Windows dan kemudian mencoba untuk mengembalikan (restore) aktivasi lagi 
3. Ini telah menjadi perhatian Admin & Team bahwa menginstal driver hardware tertentu akan merusak aktivasi pada Windows 8.1 memaksa Anda untuk mengaktifkan kembali . Salah satu cara untuk mencegah hal ini terjadi maka Anda harus memastikan semuanya terinstal dan up to date sebelum Aktivasi dan kemudian melakukan Backup . Dengan cara itu ketika Anda melakukan install ulang Windows dan driver hardware akan dapat di Restore aktivasinya. 
4. Setelah Admin membeli versi retail dari Windows 8.1 , back up aktivasi akan menjadi solusi yang lebih penting mengingat bahwa Anda tidak mengubah hardware atau edisi OS, maka selama itu Aktivasi dapat di restore jika install ulang Windows. 
5. Ini adalah cara backup  manual untuk Windows 8.1 yang di Aktivasi menggunakan Internet, Phone dan Skype. Cara ini tidak berlaku untuk aktivasi dengan Crack.