“Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.”

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Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Program Menghitung Jumlah Diskon dengan VB 6.0


Setalah kemarin share tentang Program Menghitung Gaji
Kini saya akan berbagi lagi, yaitu tentang Cara Menghitung Diskon.

Seperti biasa buka program VB 6.0

Kemudian masukkan beberapa masukkan beberapa Object separti < Label, Text Box, Command Button, Timer >
Kemudian atur propertisnya.
Contoh :

Kemudian masuk ke menu program,
masukan code di bawah ini:

Private Sub Cmd1_Click()
Dim bayar, tunai, potongan, kembali As Currency

harga = Txt1.Text
Txt1.Text = "" & Format(Txt1.Text, "Currency")
Select Case harga

Case Is = ""
MsgBox "Anda Belum Memasukkan Harga", vbInformation, "Yuwono-TI"
Exit Sub

Case Is <= 24999 potongan = harga * 0 Lbl2.Caption = "Anda Menghemat : " & Format(potongan, "Currency") Lbl1.Caption = "Discount = 0%" bayar = harga - potongan Lbl3.Caption = "Total Bayar : " & Format(bayar, "Currency") Cmd2.Enabled = True Txt2.Visible = True Txt2.SetFocus Case 25000 To 99999 potongan = harga * 0.05 Lbl2.Caption = "Anda Menghemat : " & Format(potongan, "Currency") Lbl1.Caption = "Discount = 5%" bayar = harga - potongan Lbl3.Caption = "Total Bayar : " & Format(bayar, "Currency") Cmd2.Enabled = True Txt2.Visible = True Txt2.SetFocus Case 100000 To 149999 potongan = harga * 0.1 Lbl2.Caption = "Anda Menghemat : " & Format(potongan, "Currency") Lbl1.Caption = "Discount = 10%" bayar = harga - potongan Lbl3.Caption = "Total Bayar : " & Format(bayar, "Currency") Cmd2.Enabled = True Txt2.Visible = True Txt2.SetFocus Case 150000 To 249999 potongan = harga * 0.15 Lbl2.Caption = "Anda Menghemat : " & Format(potongan, "Currency") Lbl1.Caption = "Discount = 15%" bayar = harga - potongan Lbl3.Caption = "Total Bayar : " & Format(bayar, "Currency") Cmd2.Enabled = True Txt2.Visible = True Txt2.SetFocus Case Else potongan = harga * 0.2 Lbl2.Caption = "Anda Menghemat : " & Format(potongan, "Currency") Lbl1.Caption = "Discount = 20%" bayar = harga - potongan Lbl3.Caption = "Total Bayar : " & Format(bayar, "Currency") Cmd2.Enabled = True Txt2.Visible = True Txt2.SetFocus End Select Cmd1.Enabled = False Cmd4.Enabled = True Cmd4.Default = True Lbl2.Visible = True Lbl3.Visible = True Lbl4.Visible = False Lbl6.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub Cmd2_Click() Lbl2.Caption = "Anda Menghemat : Rp0 " & Format(potongan, "Currency") Lbl1.Caption = " Discount = 0%" Lbl3.Caption = "Total Bayar : Rp0" & Format(bayar, "Currency") Lbl4.Caption = "Kembali : Rp0" & Format(kembali, "Currency") Lbl5.Visible = False Lbl2.Visible = False Lbl3.Visible = False Lbl4.Visible = False Lbl6.Visible = False Txt1.Text = "" Txt2.Text = "" Txt2.Visible = False Cmd1.Enabled = True Cmd2.Enabled = False Cmd4.Enabled = False Txt1.SetFocus Cmd1.Default = True End Sub Private Sub Cmd3_Click() Dim nPil As Integer nPil = MsgBox("Apakah Anda Yakin", vbYesNo) If nPil = vbYes Then Close #1 Cancel = 0 Unload Me Else Cancel = 1 End If End Sub Private Sub Cmd4_Click() Dim bayar, tunai, potongan, kembali As Currency harga = Txt1.Text Txt1.Text = "" & Format(Txt1.Text, "Currency") Select Case harga Case Is = "" MsgBox "Anda Belum Memasukkan Harga", vbInformation, "Yuwono-TI" Txt1.SetFocus Exit Sub Case Is <= 24999 potongan = harga * 0 Lbl2.Caption = "Anda Menghemat : " & Format(potongan, "Currency") Lbl1.Caption = "Discount = 0%" bayar = harga - potongan Lbl3.Caption = "Total Bayar : " & Format(bayar, "Currency") tunai = Txt2.Text Txt2.Text = "" & Format(Txt2.Text, "Currency") Select Case tunai Case Is = "" MsgBox "Anda Belum Membayar", vbInformation, "Yuwono-TI" Txt2.SetFocus Exit Sub End Select kembali = Txt2.Text - bayar Lbl4.Caption = "Kembali : " & Format(kembali, "Currency") Case 25000 To 99999 potongan = harga * 0.05 Lbl2.Caption = "Anda Menghemat : " & Format(potongan, "Currency") Lbl1.Caption = "Discount = 5%" bayar = harga - potongan Lbl3.Caption = "Total Bayar : " & Format(bayar, "Currency") tunai = Txt2.Text Txt2.Text = "" & Format(Txt2.Text, "Currency") Select Case tunai Case Is = "" MsgBox "Anda Belum Membayar", vbInformation, "Yuwono-TI" Txt2.SetFocus Exit Sub End Select kembali = Txt2.Text - bayar Lbl4.Caption = "Kembali : " & Format(kembali, "Currency") Case 100000 To 149999 potongan = harga * 0.1 Lbl2.Caption = "Anda Menghemat : " & Format(potongan, "Currency") Lbl1.Caption = "Discount = 10%" bayar = harga - potongan Lbl3.Caption = "Total Bayar : " & Format(bayar, "Currency") tunai = Txt2.Text Txt2.Text = "" & Format(Txt2.Text, "Currency") Select Case tunai Case Is = "" MsgBox "Anda Belum Membayar", vbInformation, "Yuwono-TI" Txt2.SetFocus Exit Sub End Select kembali = Txt2.Text - bayar Lbl4.Caption = "Kembali : " & Format(kembali, "Currency") Case 150000 To 249999 potongan = harga * 0.15 Lbl2.Caption = "Anda Menghemat : " & Format(potongan, "Currency") Lbl1.Caption = "Discount = 15%" bayar = harga - potongan Lbl3.Caption = "Total Bayar : " & Format(bayar, "Currency") tunai = Txt2.Text Txt2.Text = "" & Format(Txt2.Text, "Currency") Select Case tunai Case Is = "" MsgBox "Anda Belum Membayar", vbInformation, "Yuwono-TI" Txt2.SetFocus Exit Sub End Select kembali = Txt2.Text - bayar Lbl4.Caption = "Kembali : " & Format(kembali, "Currency") Case Else potongan = harga * 0.2 Lbl2.Caption = "Anda Menghemat : " & Format(potongan, "Currency") Lbl1.Caption = "Discount = 20%" bayar = harga - potongan Lbl3.Caption = "Total Bayar : " & Format(bayar, "Currency") tunai = Txt2.Text Txt2.Text = "" & Format(Txt2.Text, "Currency") Select Case tunai Case Is = "" MsgBox "Anda Belum Membayar", vbInformation, "Yuwono-TI" Txt2.SetFocus Exit Sub End Select kembali = Txt2.Text - bayar Lbl4.Caption = "Kembali : " & Format(kembali, "Currency") End Select Cmd4.Enabled = False If Txt2.Text = "" Then Cmd4.Enabled = True End If Cmd2.Default = True Lbl4.Visible = True Lbl5.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Cmd1.Enabled = True Cmd2.Enabled = False Cmd3.Enabled = True Cmd4.Enabled = False Lbl2.Caption = "Anda Menghemat : Rp0 " & Format(potongan, "Currency") Lbl2.Visible = False Lbl1.Caption = " Discount = 0%" Lbl3.Caption = "Total Bayar : Rp0" & Format(bayar, "Currency") Lbl3.Visible = False Lbl4.Caption = "Kembali : Rp0" & Format(kembali, "Currency") Lbl4.Visible = False Lbl5.Visible = False Lbl6.Visible = False Txt1.Text = "" Txt2.Text = "" Txt2.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Lbl7.Caption = "Jam : " & Format(Now(), "HH:mm:ss") Lbl8.Caption = hariini() & ", " & Format(Date, "dd mmmm yyyy") End Sub Private Function hariini() As String Dim sHari As String Dim ar() ar = Array("", "Minggu", "Senin", "Selasa", "Rabu", "Kamis", "Jumat", "Sabtu") hariini = ar(Weekday(Now)) sHari = ar(Abs(Weekday(Date) - 1)) End Function Setelah di Running akan tampil seperti ini:

Selamat mencoba.
Atau anda bisa juga mendownload langsung disini.

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